The Pastoral Transition - Living into our Future


    You could feel the energy and excitement in the Assembly Room as our church officers gathered on Saturday, January 6, to hear the interpretation of our Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT). Our consultant, Michelle Snyder, ably led us through the results. We learned that we are what is called a “Magi church,” which is a church that is both forward-thinking and adaptable. We are also a “Transformational church,” which means that in general, we have both high energy and high satisfaction among our membership. In both these ways and many more, we are well-positioned to move into this season of change and transition.

    To assist us in this process moving forward with this pastoral transition, two significant things have taken place, both approved by the Session. First, we have engaged Michelle as our consultant for at least the next year as we move through this time of transition.

    Second, a Transition Team, with members suggested by your co-pastors and approved by the Session, is now in place and already working with Michelle. In many ways, this team replaces the need for and the work of an interim pastor. The team is tasked with overseeing the transition component of the plan that will lead us to the election of a Pastor Nominating Committee (the search committee). Much of the work of the transition team is defined by recommendations that are generated by the consultant. The mission of the transition team is to provide leadership in the succession planning process and to take responsibility for implementing the transition plan that is developed. This team does not supersede the Session, but working alongside them, allows the Session to focus on the day-to-day mission and work of the church, as it is charged to do.

    We are excited to introduce the team to you. All of them are ordained elders who have either served on the Session or are currently serving on it. Three of them have served as the Clerk of Session. Two have served as the chairs of different Pastor Nominating Committees. All of them have held a variety of leadership positions in the life of our church and are well-qualified to serve. The Transition Team members are Cally Bruce (Co-Chair), Doug DeStaebler, Carl Friedrich (Co-Chair), Jim Howland, Katy Ridley, and Mary Versfelt.

    Please follow this link to the Pastoral Transition page to learn more about the team and read an introduction to the process ahead of us.

    We look forward to what God will be doing in our midst in the days ahead as together we live into our future and God’s vision for this church. We invite you to pray not only for the congregation in the year ahead of us, but specifically for Michelle and this transition team as they seek to faithfully guide us in what lies before us. May we live out the values of the Magi and Transformational church that we are, all to the glory of God.

    Dan and John