Youth Ministry

No matter who you are,
no matter where you are on your journey,
you are welcome here!

Here at RPC we do our best to provide a safe place where all youth feel loved and at home as we walk alongside one another on the journey of faith and share God's love with the world.

Connection - Middle School youth Group

All 6th-8th graders are welcome at RPC's Middle School Connection! 

From September through June, our middle school Sunday School class meets downstairs in our Youth Rooms on most Sunday mornings during our 10:00 a.m. worship service.


Here's what we will be focusing on in June 2024:
June 2 - No Sunday School! All youth are encouraged to join us for worship as we celebrate communion together.
June 9 - Follow Me: Walk Humbly

Outside of Sunday School, we meet twice a month, typically every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 5:30 – 6:45 p.m., spending our time catching up, playing games, and praying together. We hope your youth can join us as we are reminded again and again that we are not alone - we are connected in so many ways to one another and our loving God!

Here's what is coming up for Connection in June 2024:

Sunday, June 9 @ 3:30 p.m., Youth Rooms
Join us as we take time to catch up over snacks, play some games, and reflect together!

Sunday, June 23 @ 3:30 p.m., Grape Arbor
We’ll meet for hamburgers, hot dogs, and some end-of-the-year fun! Current 5th graders are invited to come hang out with the Connection youth group! Please let Rev. JP know if you will be joining us.

Please let Rev. JP know if you’d like to be on the parent email list

Also, you can sign up for updates through Remind: text @rpccon to 81010.

High School Youth Group

All 9th-12th graders are welcome at RPC's High School Youth Group!

We try to gather at least three times a month to build community and faith through fellowship, prayer, discussions, and service!


Here's what is coming up for June 2024:

Sunday, June 2 @ 12:00 p.m., Jay Heritage Center
Join us as we help plant, maintain, and harvest organic garden beds at Jay Heritage Center! Please bring a water bottle and work gloves if you have any. 

Sunday, June 2 @ 6:00 p.m., RPC Kitchen & Assembly Room
All NOLA participants are invited to join us for tie-dying shirts, pizza, and games!

Sunday, June 9 @ 6:00 p.m., Westminster Room
All high school youth are invited to join us for our youth-focused Soul Shop workshop as we learn basic suicide awareness and conversation skills to help save the life of someone considering suicide and to be companions to those impacted by suicidal desperation. 

It is recommended to have at least 8-10 youth for this workshop, so please let Rev. JP know if you will be joining us. Friends outside of the church are welcome to join as well!

Sunday, June 23 @ 6:00 p.m., Grape Arbor
Join us for an evening of outdoor fun with food and lawn games! Current 8th graders are invited to come hang out with the high school youth group. Please let Rev. JP know if you will be joining us.

Contact Rev. JP for more information.

We are on Instagram! Username: ryepresyouth.
Updates through Remind! Text @ryepre to 81010.


How can science fit with what is taught in church? What is the bible all about? If God is so good… why do bad things happen? What makes Christianity different?

Each year the confirmation class explores these questions and many more as together we explore the bible story and the life of faith. Not every ninth grader may be asking these questions or eager to take on extra work as high school begins. Yet Confirmation class is a unique opportunity to explore the life of faith at this important point in your own life journey.

Starting in September, each class meets throughout the year and is active in many aspects of the church, including the traditional duty as Sunday crucifer.

If you are a ninth grader or have a child who is in ninth grade, or if you have any questions, please contact Rev. Love. You can find the registration for the class and other Confirmation resources on the Confirmation page of the church website.

High School Mission Trips

We hope you can join us as we continue serving alongside our neighbors during the summer of 2024! This year we are planning on returning to New Orleans on the week of June 30- July 6! The trip is open to 25 high school youth.

Sign-ups for the trip will begin online on Monday January 8, at 8:00 p.m. and will require a $100 nonrefundable deposit. Space is limited, so mark your calendars! Please contact Rev. JP   if you have any questions. 

Youth & Chancel Choir 

All high school students (grade 9 and higher) and adults are invited to join the Chancel Choir!  The usual schedule is a Sundays-only commitment: warm-up at 9:15, sing in the 10:00 service, then rehearsal from 11:15-12:30.  Rehearsals closer to Christmas and Easter run until 12:45 or 1:00.  Please let Jason Charneski know if you're interested, even if for a shorter span of time, or if you have any questions.

Youth leadership opportunities

There are a variety of ways our youth can share their time and gifts with the church! All youth are invited to read scripture, serve as ushers, or share any musical gifts with us during Sunday worship. Our high school youth are also welcome to help lead Sunday School or our monthly Table gatherings. And their voices are always welcome on any of our church's committees!

Alongside our youth elder and deacons, we have three youth leader roles who work alongside Rev. JP to support and lead our youth group throughout the year! Our high school youth are encouraged to take a look at the responsibilities for these roles here and consider applying. Applications will be reviewed in December so the new youth leaders can begin in January. 

If you are interested in serving the church through any of these roles, or if you think of another way you wish to serve, please contact Rev. JP.


Let's Get to Know You! (Youth)

This helps us understand the best way to address you. (Examples: she, he, they) Please know your answer will not be shared without permission.

Want to help out at the church this year?