Jason's Sabbatical

    Sabbatical Detailed Schedule


    Many of you have asked how my sabbatical has shaped up. Here are the details:

    June 10-15                       Vacation


    June 16-29                       Research new and old materials from the Wild Goose Resource Group (Iona Community = John Bell and     Graham Maule), in order to create a cross-referenced document (texts, tunes, lectionary readings, etc.).


    June 30-July 4 At the American Guild of Organists’ National Convention in San Francisco and environs: Beyond hearing established and   new repertoire for organ and choir and catching up with many colleagues, I’m going to attend workshops on utilizing an iPad and     attendant apps for posting of scores/page turns.


    July 5-9 Choose Chancel Choir repertoire and service music for the 2024-2025 program year


    July 10-16  At the Portageville Chapel (Portageville, NY) for a retreat in order to learn some organ music that I normally do not have the   time on which to spend.


    July 17-18 Get ready for…

    July 19-August 4 Sixteen days in the United Kingdom:

    Four days/nights in London, planning to attend services at St. Paul’s Cathedral, All Saints’

      Church (Margaret Street), and Westminster Abbey; visits to the British Museum

      (highlight: a manuscript copy of Messiah) and others t.b.d.; then

    Three days/nights staying in Bristol, with visits to the cathedral and a spectacular parish

    church – St. Mary, Redcliffe – there, along with run-out day trips to Bath Abbey and

      Wells Cathedral and the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey (thinking possible choir tour within

    the next few years); then

    Eight days/nights in Worcester, to attend too-many-to-name-here services and concerts

      in Worcester Cathedral and nearby venues constituting the Three Choirs Festival (the

      world’s longest-running music festival, begun in 1715!)


    August 5-11 Synthesize thoughts, write a sabbatical report, and do some longer-range RPC music



    August 12-Sept. 2 Vacation


    Sept. 3 Return to the office