Co-Pastor Nominating Committee Update - September 2024

    The Co-Pastoral Nominating Committee (CPNC) has had a busy summer. The team has held weekly meetings throughout the summer, and these meetings have also included representatives from the Hudson River Presbytery & our consultant Michelle Snyder. Some highlights:

    • The CPNC created a leadership structure and subcommittee assignments.
    • CPNC reviewed critical materials created by the Transition Team to support our search process.

    This educational process was supported by a deep dive with the Transition Team and Michelle Snyder- focused on the Ministerial qualities that matter to our unique Rye Presbyterian Church membership.

    • CPNC Completed Search Process orientation with the Hudson River Presbytery
    • CPNC completed our draft Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) – which is a support document for posting a job profile on the national search engine webpage.
    • CPNC is preparing an interview guide to use to screen, evaluate and assess candidates.

    As we turn to September, The CPNC plans on:

    • Publishing our MDP materials online
    • Beginning the process of soliciting and reviewing applications!