Co-Pastor Nominating Committee Update - June 2024

    Pastoral Transition Team Update - June 2024

    With the recent announcement of JP’s new call to a church in Texas, we thank JP for his incredibly steadfast and amazing work with RPC and keep him and his family earnestly in our prayers as he embarks upon his next chapter.

    Please know that JP’s new call has not come as a surprise to us. We have been aware of his process for many months and have been incorporating this awareness into our planning from an overarching transitional perspective.

    Will the Sunday School and other youth programs be impacted?

    Fortunately, we expect there will be no negative impact to youth programming.  JP will be with our congregation through July 14, which will see us through our 2023 - 2024 Sunday School calendar. As a reminder, we do not hold Sunday School in the summer months. We plan to resume Sunday School, as usual, in September 2024.

    The Christian Education Committee (also co-chaired by me, Cally Bruce) will be working in partnership with church leadership to ensure that there are no program gaps and that our youth are supported throughout the transition.

    So, where do things stand now?

    In addition to the past updates we’ve shared regarding our CAT analysis and the great work we’ve been doing with our consultant, Michelle Snyder, we have made productive strides, including:

    • Work with the Nominating Committee (NC) and Session on the structural framework for the Co-Pastor Nominating Committee (CPNC);
    • The May 19 Congregational vote on the election of the CPNC slate–proposed by the NC and approved by Session.
    • An initial meeting of the CPNC with the Transition Team, Michelle Snyder, and our liaisons to the Presbytery to chart the course ahead.

     I have more questions, when can we connect?

    Whether you have questions for us, Dan, John, JP, or Michelle, we invite you to please reach out to our mailbox– . All of your messages will be appropriately routed and responded to and, of course, there are no silly questions :).

     We appreciate that there are a lot of updates to digest right now and we ask you to remember Philippians 4:6-7: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 

    In Faith,
    Cally Bruce and Carl Friedrich