Mission & Outreach


Rye Presbyterian Church has a long and rich history of mission and outreach, locally and globally. Recently we have rethought our approach to mission giving and engagement so that we might channel our mission and community service in more purposeful, comprehensive and impactful ways. Our church members have indicated a desire for meaningful engagements in ways that develop deeper touch points within the congregation and connections to the community, leverage our strengths, deepen our spirituality and are consistent with our mission and vision.  

Click here for Opportunities to Serve

Our Vision Statement for Mission and Outreach

Rye Presbyterian Church aspires to transform lives, as Christ teaches, by service with others through mutual partnerships.  We seek to deepen the personal engagement of our congregation through service and reflective learning opportunities as we are engaged with others in our church and broader communities. We aim to seek justice for all God’s children by focusing on those most disenfranchised and in greatest need.  In outreach and service, we seek to strengthen our faith and understanding of God.  

We focus our giving, which is done through a grant process, in three primary areas: 

  • providing for basic human needs (hunger, clothing, homelessness, etc.);
  • educating youth, especially in areas of social and emotional development;                                                                                               
  • supporting restorative justice through prison ministry and re-entry programs.

We direct our national and international mission giving through the Presbyterian Church (USA).  We also support denominational causes through our general mission pledge to the denomination and through the special offerings of the Presbyterian Church (USA).  These include: The Christmas Joy Offering (December), The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering (February-March), Pentecost (April-May), and the Peace and Global Witness Offering (September-October).

Additionally, grants are also given by the Women's Association using funds that are raised through the Thrift Shop.  In 2023 the Women's Association awarded grants to 10 organizations for a total of $63,985.

Mission Partners 

A House on Beekman
Helping Hands for the Homeless
Hope Community Services
Hudson Link for Higher Education
Meals on Main Street
Open Door Medical Centers
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Presbytery of Hudson River
Rising Hope
RPC Youth Servcie trips
Rye Women's Interfaith Committee
Rye Youth Council
Theological Education Fund
Victims Assistance Services