Caring Ministries

Following the example of Jesus, we strive to make Rye Presbyterian Church a community of care and compassion.  To that end, whether someone is facing a personal or family crisis, or simply needing the listening presence of another, a wide variety of resources are available.


Our pastors are readily accessible in a time of particular need to offer good counsel, spiritual guidance and the gift of prayer.  While none do long-term counseling, they are well-equipped to make appropriate referrals as needed.  They may be reached by email or by phone through the church office. 

Stephen Ministry

Rye Presbyterian is a Stephen Ministry Church – a church committed to the training and supervision of lay people who are available to give care in a confidential, one-on-one manner.  Stephen Ministers are skilled at giving consistent care to those facing a variety of challenges including grief, divorce, illness and job loss.  More information is available on our Stephen Ministry page.


RPC’s deacons are our hands-on, practical caregivers.  Each one has a “parish” within the area, and within that parish, the deacons are available to help in a variety of ways, including coordinating meals for those in need, and driving for those unable to do so themselves.  
For more information please contact Deacon President Julia Thomas.                   

Friendly Visitors 

An offshoot of our Stephen Ministry, RPC’s Friendly Visitors are available to make visits to those in our church and community who simply need a kind and friendly face to be with them on a regular basis.   More information is available here.

prayer ministry

The RPC Prayer Ministry is a dedicated group of individuals who provide prayer support to those in need of comfort and healing during times of stress in their lives. To become a part of this ministry, all you need is a desire to help those in need by praying for them. No experience necessary. Just a desire to be a witness to the power of prayer. Needs are communicated via email.  To join in or to bring a concern to the chain, please send an email .