News About Ongoing Church Activities

    CHILDREN's and Youth music News

    Our goal is to immerse children and their parents in the creativity of music-making within the context of community. We have a twice-per-week music time for children in the nursery school. In addition, music is featured monthly in Sunday School classes and in the every-other-month Children’s Chapel sessions. We’ll experience the wonderful energy of singing and moving together, of listening to and encouraging one another. In so doing, new generations are coming to know, love, and share the greater song of faith. 

    Please let Jason Charneski know if you have any questions. 

    Choir News & Music Ministry Opportunities

    High Schoolers and Adults Invited to Sing in the Chancel Choir
    All high school students (grade 9 and higher) and adults are invited to join the Chancel Choir.   The usual schedule is a Sundays-only commitment: warm-up at 9:15, sing in the 10:00 service, then rehearsal from 11:15-12:30. 

    Please let Jason Charneski know if you're interested, even if for a shorter span of time, or if you have any questions.

    Moms' Bible study

     Taking a break for the summer. Please contact Madison Walsh, for more information.

    Men's Bible Study News

    For the summer, we are taking a break from Sunday School so we all can come back refreshed for the beginning of the program year in September. During that time, know that your children’s presence in worship is both welcomed and a blessing to us all!

    Here are some ideas to help make the most out of worship as a family:

    There are coloring pages and illustrated children’s bulletins with coloring pencils in the narthex! There is also a bookshelf in the narthex with various children’s books and bibles for your children to read during worship.

    Explain what is happening during worship and what is coming next. Let children's cross things off in the bulletin as they happen. Whispering is okay!

    When it’s time to stand, allow children to kneel on the pews if they would like.

    Allow children to participate in the offering by putting in your envelope or putting in their own gift in the offering plate. A picture drawn for God is appropriate!

    Most importantly, relax and be at peace. We know that God made children to be full of energy and excitement!

    If you ever feel the need to step out at some point during worship, the church library will have coloring pages and toys. The livestream is also playing on the TV in there, so you can continue participating in worship during that time.

    Childcare for ages 3 months through 3-years-old will continue to be offered throughout the summer. The location for childcare may move throughout the summer as the education wing is cleaned, so please keep an eye out for our weekly updates.

     Sunday School 2024-25 registration is up!

    Registration for infants to 8th grade attending our 2024-2025 Sunday School program is now on our website Sunday School Registration | Rye Presbyterian Church ( Please register by Friday, September 6, to help effectively plan for the kickoff of Sunday School in the fall.

     Sunday School Leaders

    Here at Rye Presbyterian Church, we seek to guide and nurture our children on their journey of faith, engaging their natural sense of wonder and curiosity to help them know and understand God’s love.

    We invite you to join in on that journey of wonder and curiosity as a Sunday School leader! It is a wonderful way to connect and engage with the children of our community. Lesson plans are prepared ahead of time, and all materials are provided for you. You are invited to lead based on your own schedule, either on a regular basis, seasonally, or as a substitute. Trainings and mid-year check-ins are offered, and you will be supported by the Sunday School Supervisor and the Associate Pastor all year long.

    Please think about it, pray about it, and let Cally Bruce ( ) or Amanda Kearney ( ) know if you are interested.

     Summertime Family Faith Calendar

    Summer is a great time to build faith habits as a family! To help with that, we are providing calendars for July and August that have a different faith practice for each day. You can find hard copies near the sanctuary entrances throughout the summer.

     YOUTH Group

    Connection (6th-8th) and High School Youth Group (9th-12th) are taking a break this summer. We hope our youth have a fun and restful summer, and we look forward to seeing them in worship throughout it! Please keep an eye out for more information about the fall in August

     We are on Instagram!
    Username: ryepresyouth

    Updates through Remind!
    Text @ryepre to 81010 or sign up at

     2024 Summer Service Trip
    We hope you can join us as we continue serving alongside our neighbors during the summer of 2024! This year we plan to return to New Orleans on the week of June 30-July 7.  Please contact Rev JP if you have any questions.

    Prayer Team

    The RPC Prayer Team is a dedicated group of individuals who provide prayer support to those in need of comfort and healing during times of difficulty in their lives. To become a part of this ministry, all you need is a desire to help those in need by praying for them.  Needs are communicated via email.

    If you have any questions, or would like to be on the Prayer Team, please email coordinator Nancy Collins.

    “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” - Matthew 18:19-20

    Prayer requests may be sent to Nancy Collins, or by using the form here

    Sunday School News


    For the rest of the summer, we will take a break from Sunday School so we all can come back refreshed for the beginning of the program year in September. During that time, know that your children’s presence in worship is both welcomed and a blessing to us all!

    We seek to support our parents as they guide and nurture their children on their faith journey at home! Our weekly CE newsletter provides weekly updates on what's coming up for children, youth, and families at RPC, monthly spiritual practices, occasional book recommendations, and many other ways to engage scripture, wonder about faith, and grow closer to God together at church and at home. If you would like to receive our weekly newsletter, please contact Rev. JP by email at                  

    MONDAY Morning Bible Discussion 

     We will pause for the summer and restart in September – with our direction yet to be decided! For more information and to receive the Zoom link, please contact Dan Love at  .

    Women's Bible Study News

     For more information, contact Cynthia Wells at 

    Women's Discipleship   

    For more information, please contact: Alicia Baldwin at or Courtney Bennett at .