Who We Are
The rpc vision
By the grace of God, we strive to be a caring, welcoming community of followers of Christ, doing his work in the world.
Our Mission
Rye Presbyterian Church lives its vision by actively engaging in worship and outreach activities, supporting the journey of faith of young and old, training its members in the discipleship of Christ, and serving the spiritual, intellectual, and human needs of the congregation and its local and global communities.
We are a congregation of 500 households in the city of Rye, a suburban community in Westchester County on the Long Island Sound, just north of Manhattan. While we are a member church of the Protestant denomination known as The Presbyterian Church (USA), we also take a deep interest in our local community and ecumenical relationships.
At Rye Presbyterian Church our members, pastors, staff, and boards take seriously Jesus’ call to join together as a community committed to loving our neighbors, whether those neighbors are across the street or around the world. We believe that the love and grace of God, as well as the invitation to be full participants in the life, ministry, and leadership of the church, are freely given to all people regardless of age, race, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.
Our Leadership
In the Presbyterian tradition, the church is led by boards of elders, deacons, and trustees. Eighteen elders, one youth elder, and our pastors comprise the Session, which is responsible for the overall leadership of the church. The Board of Deacons is comprised of twenty-one men and women and two youth deacons, who assist in care for our congregation and local community. Fifteen trustees manage the business affairs of the congregation which include financial and building responsibilities.
The Rev. Daniel Love started as our Associate Pastor in 1997, and served as Co-Pastor with the Rev. Dr. John Miller from 2013 until John’s retirement in January 2025. On March 24, the Rev. Cari Pattison will begin her ministry with us as Co-Pastor. Jason Charneski is our music director and organist. Anne Halloin joined our staff in July of 2024 as our Interim Director of Ministries for Children and Youth. Maida Robinson is our Chief Administrative Officer. All staff members can be reached by calling the main church phone 914-967-0842.
Church office
The church office is located in the part of the building that faces Parsons Street, with parking for visitors just in front. Our office hours are Monday to Thursday 9:00-5:00 and Fridays 9:00-12:00. During July and August the hours Monday through Thursday are 9:00-4:00.
Affiliated organizations
Rye Presbyterian Nursery School enrolls young children for fall and spring terms. Kristin Kumar and Margaret Sculti serve as Co-Directors. The school has its own telephone number 967-2073.
Our Women's Association sponsors a Thrift Shop which is located in the basement of the Parish Hall, east entrance. Donations as well as shopping are welcomed. The Thrift Shop is open every Thursday morning from 10-1:00, except in July and August. To reach the Thrift Shop call extension 24.
Many community groups use our building including AA and ALANON, the Girl Scouts, and the Rye Playschool.