Serving others as a family
Collecting Baby Bundle items at RPC
When: Spring, Mother’s Day to Father's Day (all hours)
What: Donate items for Baby Bundles
Partner Organization: Open Door Family Medical Center
Church Contact: Kim O’Connor
Dinner at Noon
Serving a Saturday noon dinner at Carver Center in Port Chester
When: Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., several times each year
What: Donate time day of serving meal
Partner Organization(s): The Carver Center/Deacons
Church Contact: Tom Ausfahl, Linda Otness
Rise Against Hunger
Packaging meals (10,000+) for international relief efforts
When: twice a year on a Sunday following 10 am worship
Partner Organization: Rise Against Hunger
Church Contact: Anne Halloin
Serving others as a youth
Coming Home Program
18-week life skills/empowerment program for formerly incarcerated individuals
When: Thursday evenings, 2023 - Feb. 2 - June 4 (Graduation)
What: Volunteer to help with a meal or simply attend the dinner
Church Contact (regarding program): Douglas Carey
Church Contact (meals coordination): Linda Otness
Dinner at Noon
Serving a Saturday noon dinner at Carver Center in Port Chester
When: Saturdays, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm - 2023 Dates - January 14, April 15, June 3
What: Donate Food Items; Donate time day of serving meal
Partner Organization(s): The Carver Center/Deacons
Church Contact: Tom Ausfahl, Linda Otness
Empty Bowls
Pottery bowls for sale as well as soup for a family event of caring and sharing
When: Biennial event one Sunday, 11am – 1pm
What: Middle School Youth create pottery bowls and proceeds go to local food pantry
Church Contact: Rev. Dan Love
Rise Against Hunger
Packaging meals (10,000+) for international relief efforts
When: twice a year on a Sunday following 10 am worship
Partner Organization: Rise Against Hunger
Church Contact: Anne Halloin
Youth Service Trips
Help to serve the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
When: summer, late June/early July, one week
What: light construction, painting, etc.
Church Contacts: Rev. Dan Love and Anne Halloin
Serving others as an adult
Baby BUndle
Collecting Baby Bundle items at RPC
When: Spring, Mother’s Day to Father's Day (all hours)
What: Donate items for Baby Bundle
Partner Organization: Open Door Family Medical Center
Church Contact: Kim O’Connor
Coming Home Program
18 week life skills/empowerment program for formerly incarcerated individuals
When: Thursday evenings, 2024 - Feb. 8 - June 2 (Graduation)
What: Volunteer to mentor, provide a meal or simply attend the dinner
Church Contact (regarding program): Douglas Carey
Church Contact (meals coordination): Linda Otness
Dinner at Noon
Serving a Saturday noon dinner at Carver Center in Port Chester
When: Saturdays, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm - 2023 Dates - January 14, April 15, June 3
What: Donate time day of serving meal
Partner Organization(s): The Carver Center/Deacons
Church Contact: Tom Ausfahl, Linda Otness
Empty Bowls
Pottery bowls for sale as well as soup for a family event of caring and sharing
When: Biennial event one Sunday, 11am – 1pm
What: Middle School Youth create pottery bowls and proceeds go to local food pantry
Church Contact: Rev. Dan Love
I Want to understand - Prison Ministry
When: FIRST Sunday of every month, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM.
What: an interactive discussion group on Zoom. This is an opportunity for two different groups (formerly incarcerated persons and church/community members) to share in a meaningful dialogue and grow in understanding of what it is like to be the other person.
Contact: Nancy Steed
Men’s Clothing Closet Dress for Success
Accepting Men’s clothing donations
When: Year round
What: Collect and sort men’s attire. Donate Men’s attire for interviews. Coordinate donations to Exodus; Coming Home; Youth Sheler, Hudson Link
Partner Organizations: Exodus Transitional Community, Youth Shelter of Westchester, Hudson Link
Church Contact: Eckstein Family
Rise Against Hunger
Packaging meals (10,000+) for international relief efforts
When: twice a year on a Sunday following 10 am worship
Partner Organization: Rise Against Hunger
Church Contact: Anne Halloin
Thrift Shop
When: Wednesdays 10am – 12pm, sorting/pricing; Thursdays 10am – 1pm, Thrift Shop open. September - June
What: Organize donations; price and sort. Work Thrift Shop. Annual Grant Luncheon June.
Church Contact: Suzanne Davies
WOMAN 2 WOMAN Prison Ministry
When: As schedules allows
What: Visit a woman who is incarcerated at either Bedford Hills or Taconic Correctional Facility once a month.
Who: This opportunity is for women only.
For more information click here.
Serving the church
Choirs and Music Ministry
Information on our music programs
Lay Readers/Ushers/Communion Servers
Lay Readers
Lay readers are needed each Sunday during morning worship and at special services throughout the year to read one of the scripture lessons. A copy of the reading is provided well before the service.
Contact: Rev. Dan Love
Ushers are needed at all Sunday morning worship services, as well as at other special services and concerts. Online sign up may be done here. Reminder letters detailing procedures are sent to participants prior to the Sunday on which they are volunteering.
Communion Servers
On the first Sunday of each month, people are needed to serve communion during the worship service. You may sit among the congregation and step up to serve when the time comes. Traditionally this is a duty of the ordained deacons and elders of the church, but others may serve now as well. Reminder letters detailing procedures are sent to participants prior to the Sunday on which they are volunteering.
Please contact one of the co-pastors if you are interested. Dan Love
Prayer Ministry
The RPC Prayer Ministry is a dedicated group of individuals who provide prayer support to those in need of comfort and healing during times of stress in their lives. To become a part of this ministry, all you need is a desire to help those in need by praying for them. No experience necessary. Just a desire to be a witness to the power of prayer. Needs are communicated via email.
To join in or to bring a concern to the prayer chain, contact Rev. Dan Love.
Stephen Ministry and Friendly Visitors
More information on these one-to-one caring ministries are available here:
Teach Sunday School
We seek to guide and nurture children on their journey of faith, encouraging them to know and follow Christ as faithful disciples. We strive to provide a welcoming environment for children to engage Scripture, ask faith questions, and grow closer to God and our community of faith.
We invite you to join in this work as a Teaching Volunteer! Teaching is done in teams, providing a support system among fellow volunteers and a rotating schedule. You are invited to teach regularly (one-two times a month) or serve as a substitute (when needed). All lessons are prepared for you so volunteers can reflect on the lessons ahead of time and focus solely on engaging children during Sunday mornings. We hope you will decide to share your gifts with the children of our community! If interested in being a part of this work, please contact Anne Halloin at 967-0842x17 or by .